Using Pandas with Python Decimal for accurate currency arithmetic
These examples show how to use Decimal type in Python and Pandas to maintain more accuracy than float. Pandas can use Decimal, but requires some care to create and maintain Decimal objects.
Background - float type can’t store all decimal numbers exactly
For numbers with a decimal separator, by default Python uses float and Pandas uses numpy float64. Internally float types use a base 2 representation which is convenient for binary computers.
Python’s Decimal documentation shows example float inaccuracies.
a = 1.1 + 2.2
# 3.3000000000000003
# <class 'float'>
b = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.3
# 5.551115123125783e-17
Float is accurate enough for many uses. If you only display a few decimal places then you may not even notice the inaccuracy. However a comparison like a == 3.3 or b == 0 will evaluate to False. Floats can be compared using a small tolerance to allow for inaccuracy.
tolerance = 0.001
if abs(a - 3.3) < tolerance:
Or in unit tests
self.assertAlmostEqual(a, 3.3, delta=0.001)
Maintaining decimal accuracy
Sometimes you may want to maintain decimal accuracy. For example you may be adding currency amounts such as a long column of dollars and cents and want a result that is accurate to the penny.
Integer arithmetic can be a simplified workaround. Decimal libraries are a more flexible solution.
Integer arithmetic
Within its size limits integer arithmetic is exact and maintains accuracy. This approach requires working in whole units and is easiest if all amounts have the same number of decimal places. For example integer can be used with currency dollars with 2 decimal places. Convert the floats to strings, remove the decimal separator, convert to integer. Then after adding ints, divide by 100 to get float dollars.
def int_by_removing_decimal(self, a_float):
removes decimal separator.
removing decimal from a_float with n decimal places multiplies by 10 ** n
:a_float: a Python float e.g. 1.23
:return: an integer e.g. 123
decimal_separator = '.'
a_str = str(a_float).replace(decimal_separator, '')
a_integer = int(a_str)
# print(type(a_integer))
# <class 'int'>
return a_integer
a_float = 1.23
# a_float has 2 decimal places, removing decimal multiplies by 100
a_int = int_by_removing_decimal(a_float)
# 123
b_float = 2.01
b_int = int_by_removing_decimal(b_float)
# 201
sum_int = a_int + b_int
sum_float = sum_int / 100
# 3.24
CAUTION: c_float has 3 decimal places, removing its decimal multiplies by 1000, not 100. With integer arithmetic workaround, you need to keep all values consistent. To add a, b, c you could write a method to return an integer in tenths of cents.
c_float = 0.125
c_int = int_by_removing_decimal(c_float)
# 125
Pandas with Python Decimal module
Decimal libraries maintain a base 10 representation. Many languages have decimal libraries such as Python decimal.Decimal or Swift Decimal or Java BigDecimal.
in Python
from decimal import Decimal
x = Decimal('1.1') + Decimal('2.2')
# 3.3
# <class 'decimal.Decimal'>
print(x == 3.3)
# False
print(x == Decimal('3.3'))
# True
y = Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.1') - Decimal('0.3')
# 0.0
# <class 'decimal.Decimal'>
print(y == 0)
# True
print(y == Decimal('0'))
# True
in Pandas
Pandas most common types are int, float64, and “object”. For type “object”, often the underlying type is a string but it may be another type like Decimal.
create decimal objects- use converter
In read_csv use a converter function.
from decimal import Decimal
import pandas as pd
def decimal_from_value(value):
return Decimal(value)
df = pd.read_csv(filename, converters={'sales': decimal_from_value})
# converter set sales type to "object" (Decimal), not default float64
# week int64
# sales object
maintain decimal objects for sum - use apply()
If you use sum() on Decimal objects, Pandas returns type float64.
# sum() is vectorized and fast.
product_column_sums = product_columns_df.sum()
# float64
Instead you can maintain type object Decimal by using apply(… sum())
# apply() may be slower than sum()
product_column_sums = product_columns_df.apply(lambda x: x.sum())
# object
maintain decimal objects for mean - use sum() and divide by len()
If you use mean() or apply(… mean()) on Decimal objects, Pandas returns type float64.
# mean() returns float64
# product_column_averages is a series
# product_column_averages = product_columns_df.mean()
# sales_mean = product_column_averages[0]
# print(type(sales_mean))
# <class 'numpy.float64'>
# apply(... mean()) also returns float64
# product_column_averages = product_columns_df.apply(lambda x: x.mean(), axis=0)
# sales_mean = product_column_averages[0]
# print(type(sales_mean))
# <class 'numpy.float64'>
Instead you can maintain type object Decimal by using apply(… sum()) and dividing by len
# apply(... sum()) and dividing by len(product_columns_df) maintains type Decimal
product_column_averages = product_columns_df.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis=0) / len(product_columns_df)
sales_mean = product_column_averages[0]
# print(type(sales_mean))
# <class 'decimal.Decimal'>
github repository beepscore/pandas_decimal
Python version 3.6.1
Python decimal
Pandas version 0.23.0
Round a DataFrame to a variable number of decimal places.
How to remove decimal points in pandas
Pandas read_csv converters
converters for python pandas
Pandas with decimal